The bass guitar solo in the introduction is preceded by indignant screams and sophisticated reflections, wrapped in melodic covers of the chorus of the Scapegoat composition, which sounds like a thoughtful ballad. The Don Loco gloomy celebration envelops with the atmosphere of mystical omens, continuing the Starified - Fat Hits album in the same style of unhurried storytelling, combining in the vocal part the manner of a storyteller with playfulness and romance.
The mysterious inspiration of the An Ode To Tenacious D vocal narrative is intertwined in a mesmerizing round dance with musical passages. Accelerating the tempo, the Anti Rebel song rolls in waves of frantic drive, but soothes the tempo of the musical flow with the introduction of vocals. The vocal indignation of the vocal in the verse continues with a dreamy ascension of a wistful whisper, weaving together into the sound of the Saraton chorus. After the viscous twilight of the intro, the Wider Lane vocals narrate an inspirational isturia, then adding a bit of rebellion to vocals part.
The swirls of the What If main motive given by the guitar solo in the intro swirl around the vocal phrases in a mesmerizing swirl. The Pick A Fight mysterious ballad creates an atmosphere of obscure images, entangling vocal reflections with seductive romance. A musical parable named after the Noah biblical character takes you to the vastness of a romantic fairy tale. The Same Old River closes the album with a wistful romance of the intro, then adds some extra drive and vocal pensiveness to the musical sound.