Have enjoyed by idleness, doing nothing in sin indulged in the vices of the flesh always tirelessly? Punished with Enchiridion - The Realm of Blackened Perdition forever and ever!
Ignition candle flame so epic, Garden Of Sin (Interlude in G# Minor) is the beginning of these chronicles, whose legendary signs arises from the principles as is.
Doomsday (For Our Sins) fire appears from the depths of the unknown beinga, intended to perish all alive to nothing. Melodic riffs pours the diabolical symphony of total destruction, interfering with keyboards passages in pursuit of total annihilation.
Powerful mighty strikes set the rhythm of the procession of The Martyr unknown monsters surrounds him in his awfull journey to the void of the darkest depth. Guitar vortices create an impressive cycle of melodies, which eddies carry music in mind and given the omens, owerhelmed with keybords parts!
Lively starting with dancing lights, crystals omens pointing the way of the Dead Man's Calling, farther keyboards are headed melody, leading the mind to unknown worlds, igniting the fire of desire and aspiration to the best outcome.
Rage uplifts the cardinality of the dark ages, in atonement for sins but redemption will never come, Nevermore we can achieve it! And keyboards symphonic passages reinforce confidence in this, melodic guitar support this belief!
Organ begins the saga of disbelief, guitar rage spits blood and incredible anger of Absent Minded to the ragged sounds, spewing fury rays and waves of anger around in melodical style with the sublime keybords inclusions.
Inspiring and impressive guitar break starts the title track The Realm of Blackened Perdition, permeating it with the edge of the blade as a leitmotif, inspiring to go ahead without stopping before anything.
Heavy Rain is watering us by jets of guitar riffs, notes hits as the heavy drops, downpour reaching the depths of the universe.
Keyboards passages draws thoughts to the past, pointing to Resentful Reminisce, verse flies as rapid roll, reaching the ballad melody in the chorus. Quiet instrumental break comforting thoughts that was emaciated by the experiences.
Minstrel tells the instrumental tale combining wind howl with the guitar fingering alerting about Fallen Eden legend, that introduces Aeon with its obsessive riffs, that connects musical laces with notes vortices and cobweb of the vocal stories.
Ringing and squealing guitar riffs passes in narrative vocals that tells us the way how we can reach The Distress and the Cure, then the keyboards passages indicates the main motive, driven to the instrumental illumination by their instructions.
A nice reward for eternal torment in hellfire flames becomes Ex Inferis (Bonus), flying on the wings guitars after the phrase "There is no God!".