Mysterious guitar fingering intro anticipates the development of the LOVE IS THE KILLER main motive, then the twilight mystery of the verse explains the accent of the song name in the chorus. Electronic futuristic proclamations of keyboard passages begins the STANDING ON THE EDGE song, continuing the The Defiants (USA) - Zokusho album, marching on the verge of a ballad and a mid-tempo thriller. The vocal part comes to the forefront of the musical image of the HOLLYWOOD IN HEADLIGHTS composition.
Again, futuristic keyboard passages dominate the FALLIN' FOR YOU intro, but then on the crest of the main motive, the vocal part carries along the rest of the instruments. After the variations of the average tempo in the previous compositions, while keeping the average tempo structure, HOLD ON TONIGHT is even closer to the ballad, primarily because of the romantic vocal narration and the charming atmosphere.
The harsh drum roll of the entry predicts the development of the ALLNIGHTER song as a fierce thriller, rolling in waves of an unstoppable drive.
But after such a stream of rage and power, the musical narrative continues with the U X'D MY HEART mid-tempo song, the introduction of which is characteristic of a romantic ballad. The musical appeal of romantic emotions is supported by the artistic lace of musical and vocal motifs of the IT GOES FAST and STAY compositions. ALIVE pulsating musical canvas elevates vocal experiences to the top of its essence. Assuming a fierce action movie in view of the DRINK UP! title, it was somewhat unexpected to hear a typical performance of southern rock. A soft, gentle and thoughtful FOREVER ballad completes the album, enveloping the vocal part, in which the background tunes and symphonic covers complement the charm of sound.