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Remembering your true calling

January 29, 2023
Andras, 2019 -  Reliquien...

After the sound of rain and bad weather in the introduction, the vocal part is brought to the forefront of the Diabolical Christening musical story, complemented and supported by rhythmic musical passages in the verse and symphonic chorales in the chorus. The muffled prophecies of the sage end with this word, denoting the beginning of the Dunwich song, continuing the Andras - Reliquien... album with a whirlwind of musical passages, wrapping around the twilight tale of the vocals story. Thy last Redeemer intro weaves mysterious twilight with mysterious vocal omens, then rolling waves of the main motif, crowned with vocal phrases and enchanting with the majestic guitar solo of the instrumental part.
Drawing a musical symphony into the vastness of the medieval unity of minstrel suites and bard ballads, the In the Shadow of the Light musical fairy tale fascinates with this unity, leaving an incredibly pleasant listening experience. Then the galloping horse and the announcement of the battle horn precede the development of the epic motifs of medieval knightly sagas with the background melodies of the choir in the Das Schwert unserer Ahnen composition, ending with a muted storyteller's story and the ringing of swords, acting as a preparation for the combat and deadly dance of the frantic drive of the Flames of Hate musical saga, combining in sound a musical battle and vocals narration with a proclamation of readiness for any trials.
The vocal narrative begins the rhythmic and harsh step of the Die Vorboten battle march, captivating with vocal phrases supported by musical passages to the procession along the chosen path, without being distracted or thinking about further progress. But then the crickets of the evening swamp are carried away into the atmosphere of The Cry of the Banshee twilight fairy tale, enveloping the vocal story with covers of mystery of forgotten tales and legends. The acoustic chime of guitar strings weaves the musical lace of a bardic ballad paying homage to musical legends in the Man of Iron (Tribut an Bathory) song, anticipating the mesmerizing completion of the album with the Aufbruch instrumental composition, combining a musical symphony with the sound of rain in the background.