Slowly woven meditative guitar solo into a mysterious musical atmosphere, bringing the trends of ancient legends - as if medieval bards reared, weaving laces of fairy tales from the magic of druids, glittering wings of fairies, majestic dragons, cheating imps and leprechauns. These illusory and exciting tales are embodied in the title track Stonila - Prophecy, which starts the album with a fascinating epic tale, bringing notes of folklore motifs.
Continuing the wise memories, Shield of Water refers to the highly experienced reflections of an experienced wanderer who has given travels, wanderings and adventures for many years. Now, stretched out in a rocking chair in a cozy house, wrapped in a warm blanket in this enchanting comfort, remembers memories of past experiences.
The most diverse composition Anatolia completes this album, combining spicy shades of oriental motifs, fascinatingly entangling in the ornate delights of musical ideas. In a quiet atmosphere of pensive romanticism, anxious doubts are shown from time to time, but they are replaced by prideful inspiration and a throbbing hymn of confident pride.