Unhurried and thoughtful artistic leisurely musical variability progressively weaves the musical shawl of the Sharp Bends Sudden Crests bewitching fairy tale, introducing with vocals phrases shades of emotional emancipation and sensual inspiration, combining folklore and epic elements in the further musical and vocals narrative, developing them in the continuation of the musical path of the Poor Genetic Material - Winter's Edge album with the Whitescape composition, enchanting and intriguing by the dreamy thoughtfulness of the introduction and the sparkling mystery of the subsequent sound. Particular attention is drawn to the soft and gentle sound of the guitar solo, foreshadowing a romantic vocals sonata.
The guitar solo confidently and assertively moves to the foreground of the Hugging Horses musical image, setting the direction of development and advancement of the main motive and weaving its musical canvas, rolling out before the enchanting procession of a vocals fairy tale, entwined and crowned with artistic threads of keyboards passages, hiding behind the foggy veils of intriguing mysteries and distant vocals phrases, ending this piece with a mesmerizing guitar solo. The sound of the Protean Profile atmospheric ballad reveals the influence of echoes of a bewitching lounge and minstrel shades of a vocals story with a soft musical frame.
An acoustic guitar solo creates the atmosphere of a bewitching medieval fairy tale, starting with the thoughts of the Winter Edge Part 1 bard ballad, that is starting the album's title track dilogy, transporting the listener into the dreamy charm of legends of enchantment and adventure, continuing with the artistic charm of the progressive musical transformations of the Nuage Bleu composition, weaving a bewitching lace from the threads of guitar and keyboard variations, weaving soft and gentle veils of inspired musical charm in preparation for an emotional vocals story and a return to the musical motifs of the dilogy of the title track of the album, ending it with an atmosphere of romantic reflections of the Winter Edge Part 2 musical story.