Skinny impatience of music imposes anxious sorry, insistently stealing vocal emotionality and again and re-emphasizing the name of the Time's Running Out composition in the chorus. The Grand Delusion pacifies the impatience of a sorridge sounding, giving an endless solemnity of epic saga sounding of a musical atmosphere, supplemented with meaningful and measured vocal phrases.
The title composition continues the King's Winter - Forging The Cataclysm (EP) album while maintaining an epic atmosphere, but giving much greater significance of the vocal part in a musical image. Although the guitar solos of instrumental fragments are enchanting with dreamy melodies and raise the charm of musical sound above any expectations.
The At Road's End instrumental ballad acts as entry to the final fragment of the album, enchanting the magnificent melodic of instrumental passages, giving the vault of the acoustic guitar of the exhaust of medieval minstrel suite.
The vocal party performs on the forefront of the musical image, carried away along the path of the Age Of Reason musical fairy tale, a musical acompaner to listen to on the specified path, supporting the motives given by the vocal directions. A Sailor's Tale (Bonustrack) completes the musical narration of the release of the soft, tender and romantic ballad, the fascinating listeners in distant gave sailor's wanderings.