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September 05, 2021
Electric Boys, 2021 -  Upside Down

Melodic musical variations of the Electric Boys - Upside Down title instrumental composition are fascinated by acoustic melodies and romantic charm. The Super God song complements the playful musical dance inspired vocal phrases, which is the banners of the charming ballad in the chorus. The Tumblin' Dominoes composition slightly accelerates the musical pace and complements the sound of easy sadness.
Starting music overbearing, the Never Again Your Slave song then mutes the music and vocals in the verse joint meditations, returning to intro style the chorus of the musical sound. The acoustic guitar's chime sets the sensual sound of the She Never Turns Around romantic ballad.
The Globestrutter composition retains acoustic sound, but transforms musical stylist to the sound of southern rock. The The Dudes & The Dancers track complements the sound of the album with some shades of blues.
Fun, holiday and rest creates an inspirated atmosphere of the sounding of the Twang 'em & Kerrang 'em song. Music meditations of the It's Not The Endthoughtful ballad enchanting the unity of guitar melodes and vocal inspiration. The Interstellafella track completes the album with futuristic transfiguration.