With a swift whirlwind of unrestrained drive, the music of the Dreams of the Innocent song bursts into the vastness of musical artistry, sometimes restraining the pace of musical frenzy with vocal reflections. The Blades of Revenge song in the introduction hardens the guitar sound with an angry solo, setting a more stubborn and furious continuation of the Steel Fox - Red Snow album, complementing the hardening of the musical canvas with appropriate vocal changes.
In the Requiem for a Murderer introduction, the vocal storyteller wisely tells his story, but then the music and vocals are intertwined in a single whirlwind of rapid musical drive. Densely, rigidly and rhythmically, the Hellish March rolls in waves of its procession, accentuating a dense mid-tempo march, complemented by vocal emotionality and melodic charm of instrumental bridges.
The title track Red Snow begins with an annoying wave of drive anticipating the emotional vocal narration of a dark tale. The Raging Tides track pushes the waves of a harsh musical thriller, The Man Without King song partly continues a similar style, but brings a more impetuous musical drive and emotional pressure of vocal rage.
Driving tightly and rhythmically a hard musical path, the City of Hell composition walks along the line between a mid-tempo combat march and rebellious impetuosity. But the chorus refers to an epic tale of vocals storytelling. The Clash of Worms after the intro's guitar round dance of the intro soars in a whirlwind of unrestrained race, combining vocal haste and high-speed musical passages. The Night People's Curse ends the album with a high-speed drive as well, but crowning this swiftness with enchanting melody of guitar notes.