Furious vocals phrases are combined with the swiftness of the Tied to Stone musical drive, sometimes the sound of the bridges with a viscous musical essence and nursing handles of clean vocals. Entering a viscous twilight march, the Tooth & Nail song then spins the flywheel of the musical drive together with fierce vocal phrases, sometimes somewhat aspiring musical fasting to the instrumental bridges returning to the intro's sound. The Desire Lines composition is transformed by a viscous procession to stretched vocal phrases, which expected fans of this style to which the Somnuri - Nefarious Wave album belongs.
But the Beyond Your Last Breath song accelerates in the pulsating gallop of the rhythmic drive, riding with musical troughs, sadded by vocals phrases. But in the chorus, harsh and clean vocals are wooped in a joint dance, pacifying the musical procession to the mid-tempo march, returning, however, then to the dive of the verse again. Starting the introduction of the Watch the Lights Go Out composition of the bass guitars solo, the music returns to a viscous importance of the musical procession, combining stretched phrases of clean vocals with a significant harsh vocals harassment. The In the Grey continues a leisurely procession in intro, but then breaks into changed and variable jets of the musical pace. However, in the choruses and bridges, the music chooses a clear pace and pacifier swift jerks. The title composition Nefarious Wave completes the album of the twilight fairy tale with ghostly and mysterious musical cover and not the use of up to this combination of clean vocals - tenor and baritone - in a duet.