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January 20, 2017
Astral Cult - The Sacred Flame

Mysterious cryptic rites will realize the wishes and aspirations in Astral Cult - The Sacred Flame !
The whirlwind of guitars music ghostly laces, shimmering in the sun elevates Prayer to the heavens, where confession and pleading vocal phrases will be heard by those to whom were directed. After a quiet and peaceful prayer music from hasty frills turns into a gentle delicate melody, the final plea soulfully.
Powerful, tangible and solid bass pulses begins Drowning, transforms after the entry into snap fever, that soares up the pace and speed until further ductile and malleable bridge. But after a reckless rage should be thoughtful respite, bearing peace and tranquility for wild thoughts.
But the fury with wrathful frenzy returns to start The Mass-ters proclamation, further it sounds like tough, stubborn, intense narration. But the speed growing with jerks of efforts to break free from the shackles, hindering the pursuit of the will for freedom, but still they are strong and steadfast. But the spirit of liberty calls for the last act of indignation!
Ornate delights inspires vocals to turns into the tenor, dreamy glitter sparkles in his phrases, interspersed with sparkling guitar motifs makes Call of the Wild tangible and emotional.
Dark powerful demonic beings creates a gloomy atmosphere during intro of Beacon of Darkness with harsh spurts and mighty blows. Then tune combines so powerful and violent jerks with dreamy vocal phrases, building its charm with such stark contrast.
Viscous and oppressive riffs rocking the flywheel of the story, flipping through the legend Quetzalcoatl page after page, phrase by phrase. Then the viscous assertive story transforms into sparkling funy guitar solo, followed by the completion of full of impressions and emotions.
Title track The Sacred Flame crowns the entire album as last piece of its medley. Brittle, ragged rhythmic pattern sounds like a history going back over the horizon and waiting for unrestrained and decisive attention. Then follows the melodic respite and again uneven rhythm continues its nervous tale.