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January 29, 2021
While I See Sound - Virgil Of Arcana

The Preponderance brooding instrumental symphony is serving as an intriguing introduction to the While I See Sound - Virgil Of Arcana album and the next composition Brush, in which artistic musical passages are combined in lace-progressive musical variations and a brooding romantic atmosphere.
Weaving the mesmerizing covers of musical mystery, the Wheeler & Grimes envelopes the sound of leisurely vocal reflections in sparkling covers of musical artistry. Maintaining an impressive unity of complexity and melody, the Tangebilem brings a certain touch of playful mood to the sound of the album in a single dance of instrumental variations and vocal phrases, but then again returning to romantic melody.
After a twilight haze in intro, the Rose Water rolls out a musical canvas of the main motive, crowned with dreamy vocal reflections. Partly title track Virgil builds a compositional castle on the alternation and variations of vocal stylistics, combining them into unity and dispute, and twining a vine around guitar passages.
A mesmerizing dance of vocal reflections and musical passages is intertwined in the Stone Man charming dance, drawing pensive phrases and melodic variations into unity. The final composition of the album Staff Of Nimrod embodies its stylistic features in a complex and impressive lace of musical artistry.