Epic musical appeals of the Av lie och borda composition begin the musical narration of the Wormwood (SWE) - Nattarvet album, combining the epic saga with inspired vocal phrases. In the instrumental part of the extension of the ancient folklore motifs, fascinate the atmosphere of the echoes of the ancient ages, then combined with the emotional vocals phrases. The singing of birds and muted musical motifs predict the development of the violin symphony, charming in the entry of the I bottenlos avja song, then a faster vocal severity, but keeping the extension of ancient fairy tales. But then the musical fierce retreats, enveloping the clean vocals with inspired musical passages. But the final fragment returns to power and drive.
Rapidly pulling musical swirl, the Arctic light is preparing for the entry of vocals, marking a significant and impressive unity of the screaming, harsh and growling vocals. The Achromatic road song is rolling the waves of the mid-tempo march, confidently marching the musical path specified by the leitmotif.
Accelerating the musical narration, the Sunnas hadanfard track retains the melody, combining musical drive and vocal emotions in a single musical stream, a slightly reducing music pace with vocal entry. Acoustic guitar solo creates the atmosphere of bard ballad, but then the Tvehunger music is rolling the waves of a restrained drive. The Isolationist completes an album with an epic saga that combines many stylistic shades, musical and vocals variations.