Artistically and progressively bringing the sound of bardic sagas and epic musical compositions into modern reality Birth/Into Darkness composition begins the musical fairy tale of the Hallas - Isle of Wisdom album with enchanting echoes of medieval chronicles and tales. Soaring in impatient swiftness in search of light, the Advent of Dawn song soars in search of light and the unraveling of mysteries.
Rhythmically and thoughtfully marching with the step of a wandering bard, the Earl's Theme composition rolls out waves of rhythmic melody. The Inner Chamber minstrel ballad continues the development of epic medieval songs, enchanting them with sound.
Pulsating in the rhythmic rolls of the rebellious drive, the Elusion's Gate song rushes with a musical whirlwind of thirst for adventure to the vastness of mystical limits, continuing this chronicle with the unyielding sound of the Gallivants (Of Space) song, in which it attaches greater importance to vocal emotions.
The sound of the Stygian Depths saga adheres to the leitmotif of the concept album, wrapping it and the vocal narrative in a veil of romantic musical atmosphere in anticipation of the ascension of The Wind Carries the Word final composition of the album.