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It’s not easy, it’s not clear - but suddenly I clearly realized everything!

December 08, 2019
Volumes - Coming Clean

Viscously, tightly and rigidly NO LOVE begins the musical narration of the Volumes - Coming Clean album, the vocal part begins with indignant cries of a hard harsh. Then the vocal part varies its phrases, supplementing the harsh with elements of screaming, distorted elements of modern samples appear in the musical essence.
The gloomy passages of a stern and gloomy march begin with furious screams of vocal rage, then clean vocals offer banners of inspiration and encouraging trends. But the vocals come back again with gloomy rage and unrestrained anger, hello goodbye music marches on the verge of a dark anthem and a twilight evil march.
Clean vocals comes to the forefront of the musical image of ALIVE song, music envelops vocal phrases with romantic shades of sparkling inspiration, sometimes transforming the vocal part into an emotional doubting harsh.
Continuing the romantic proclamations of the previous composition Revenant begins with an enchanting keyboard solo and retains the dominant position of the tunes of clean vocals. Until The End continues the musical motives of the previous composition, but hardens them with the trends of severe musical drive. The vocals are hardened to an emotional harsh, complementing the main phrases with background sing-alongs.
The title track Coming Clean completes the album with vivid romantic tunes, captivating with a bewitching musical sacrament of the main motive, captivating into the expanses of unclear dreams.