The Next To You And The Sea mysterious musical atmosphere is combined with wordless tunes, adding to the musical obscurity with brooding vocal reflections. The Where Do You Go When You Dream song continues the Woods - Strange To Explain album's air of mystery, crowning the vocal narration with sparkling notes of guitar and keyboard passages, complementing the futuristic echoes of keyboard variations in the instrumental bridges. The drum rolls of the Before They Pass By intro lend the echo of a battle march, but then the guitar and vocals envelop the vocal phrases in soothing artistry.
The vocal part comes to the fore of the Can't Get Out musical image, captivating with inspirational tunes. A pulsating rhythm with romantic passages of an acoustic guitar intertwines in the Strange To Explain title track's ballad dance with vocal phrases. The instrumental charm of The Void sublime symphony continues with the soft chime of an acoustic guitar solo weaving in a muted waltz with the Just To Fall Asleep vocal musings of a romantic ballad.
Returning to the lace of musical mystery again, the Fell So Hard combines this with the adventurous vocal lines. The throbbing sighs of musical passages are crowned with significant vocal phrases that complete the form of the Light Of Day musical composition. The Be There Still vocals narration takes you into the vastness of dreams and imaginary temptations, complementing the main vocals with backing vocals and combining guitar chimes with wind instruments. The Weekend Wind puts an end to this music release, walking in a leisurely rhythmic walk, complementing the romantic lounge with saxophone improvisation.