Granting the intrigue in a mysterious long-playing introduction, enchanting mysterious whirlwinds of melodious passages before the R-Evolution / A.D.N. verses, then the FBOT - Information Disease album carries away in an uncontrollable stream of violent drive. But in instrumental bridges there is an incredible artistry of the band, enveloping unrestrained drive with shawls of melodism and musical delights.
Without preparation and reflection, At Hell song is immediately carried away in a fast-moving musical extravaganza, anticipating the introduction of the vocals by a dark march, which will return to the chorus again. Vocal phrases playfully and wickedly create an unjust atmosphere of demonic dances.
Without fatigue, fear and doubt Fuck 'Em All carries away in a furious drive, supplementing the musical and vocal competitions with exciting bass guitar solos.
The vocals come to the fore of the Adixxxion / Surrender to the Thrash composition, the instrumental accompaniment tends to catch up with these phrases, all speeding up and speeding up their parts. But again bass guitar solo against the background of games and entertainment, anticipating the instrumental bridge and further development of the composition in constant rhythmic changes.
Thoughtfully and with restraint pumping a meaningful alarm, the sirens completes that with howling then Toxic Society rolls the waves of the main motive, varying the tempo and melody in the instrumental bridges and casting intimidations with vocal phrases.
The frantic drive dances in a playful manner, militantly injecting a swift drive, twisted with energetic vortexes initiating unrestrained zeal to destroy and wander. But the Warface chorus transforms music into a proud march, driving its allegations into thick and powerful passages.
Children's joyful laughter precedes a successful composition Killing in the Mosh that adequately combines the impetuous drive and marching rolls, forming a very interesting musical outline. The album ends with compositions that are similar in their varied variability - Nuclear Isolation begins with an uncontrollable flow of drive, bridges and instrumental parts pushing away fury and power, extolling melodism, combining majestic romance with a fast guitar solo, preceding the final. Starting with a doubting march, Polaris turns into a fast wave of drive, supplementing the vocal part with the responses of comrades-in-arms. The instrumental part artistically woven guitar progressive ideas and a tight and powerful rhythm on the background.