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Impressions from space travel

April 27, 2023
Cryptic Shift - Visitations from Enceladus

The musical story of this Moonbelt Immolator composition weaves the lace of a separate story, varying the sound and presentation in separate artistic searches, as if weaving a separate and unique musical canvas that begins the musical story of the Cryptic Shift - Visitations from Enceladus album in its own musical way, varying the tempo, genre and stylistic features and combining the hasty telling of a musical fairy tale with explosions of rapid drive and progressive complication of the rhythmic structure.
Immediately soaring with a sparkling drive, then the music and vocals narration are intertwined in a single and inseparable dance of progressive complication, enchanting with the unity of contrasts and musical differences in the (Petrified in the) Hypogean Gaol single musical canvas, complemented by vocal reflections that divide the musical story into separate fragments with a subsequent juxtaposition.
After a long and thorough preparation, the music weaves a progressive lace of artistic musical passages in a joint dance with mock reflections, enchanting with the bewitching sound of The Arctic Chasm composition, captivating into the world of fantasies and the dominant imagination and guesses, embodied in the melodic charm and progressive complexity of the musical plexuses of the Planetary Hypnosis song, complex, diversely varying the rhythm and tempo ... and captivating this versatility in the world of fantasies and domswords, weaving multiple variations of musical lace.