Anxious Devil musical essence supplement changed vocal phrases, combined with a mystical medium-point musical component in the dominance of clean vocals and the background support for the harsh vocals. The Photograph composition continues the sound of the Late Night Savior - Into the Aftermath album inspired by the vocal party dominance in a musical image, which brings melodic artistry with the instumental part guitars solo.
The admission charm of the guitar riffs of the intro sets the path of development of the Angel main motive, then the vocals phrases on the crests of musical waves. The Forever romantic ballad combines vocal apologies that create an apology atmosphere. The vocal party complements the soft and emotional voice of the singing lady.
Intro's guitar solo unites with vocals to continue the romantic atmosphere and sensual themes, complementing the development of this topic with the sound of the Alive song. The Sick and Twisted opposite is hardened in a powerful and confident procession of a rhythmic mid-tempo drive, clearly and asserts the accents of its path. The vocal part is sometimes hardened to a fierce harsh vocals. The final composition of the album Division continues the unity of melodism and power to be typical of his musical sound.