Fuse button in the mobile? I don't understand any word from 77.
That's natural disasters - Dezaztre Natural - Auto - Exterminio. Listen to it - or will be exterminated! Next track describes this process in detail - chorus of Disekcion slowly, with deliberation.
Engendro Del Nivel describes beings that similar or related actions can and have to produce...
with all of us!
Abusador have to be punished! In every possible way, and extreme in every hole! The slow, viscous, dense beginning ... "GO"!
...in cinema broadcasted long-long time ago in Soviet Union was a phrase: "The people doomed not by beer, they doomed by water to death!" But in fact Hidrodeath about that!
Demos cratos no - questioned, not certain, do not trust? Listen to Rancia Demokracia with harsh and dense start and a quick transition to mobscreamin' bridge. And somethin' rap-styled in the middle! No mob - no demos, no cratos!
Fast, powerful, obsessive track - Sospechoza Simpatia, styled, especially before the guitar busting after the chorus.
Old-style comprehensive, that's it! Argh! I like It!
The slow, viscous, viscous entry with bass guitar in the foreground - that's H.A.A.R.P! Very fast with vocals, trying to keep up with the accompaniment. There's no winners in this tournament - just rhythm section considers all like servants.
Playful, humorous, dancing La Guadana Dekapita - but that's about the structure of the composition - vocal nervous, rhythmic... and sometimes accompanies accompaniment it.
Old-times death-style intro?! Yeah! That's it in the Pornoplegaria! More in it - joking, mockery, couplets! We`re alive - will not die!