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Frosty breathing of northern winds

May 07, 2021
Ymir (FIN) -  Ymir

The intriguing mystery of the Pagan Mysticism intro, obscure tunes and howl of wolves somewhere in the forest complements the atmosphere of mystical dusk and retreats before the detachment of the unrestrained Vikings carrying through the velvera barriers to achieve the chosen goal of the Ymir (FIN) - Ymir album's musical path.
The Silvery Howling vocals part is woven with perelimy musical passages, combined in a single musical fairy tale, but then the rejection of the fierce swirl of the instrumental bridge, then uninhabited with vocal phrases.
The title composition Ymir immediately rolls the waves of the main motive, accused by the vortices of the guitars solo blizzard. Then the vocals part, combining screaming and growling, complements the musical image of the fascinating saga.
Exploring the fierce storm of a fierce musical thriller, the Frostland Conqueror song demolishes all the obstacles on the path of its unrestrained storm, slowing down the pace before the combat march with the entry of vocals, but then returning to the inhound rapid rapidness. Nordic saga entwine musical passages and vocal phrases of the Winterstorms composition with invisible threads from which the Norns weave lace human lives. The muffled phrases of the storyter give the more epic character of the sound. Hammering a rhythmic waves of fierce drive, the Resurrection of the Pagan Fire completes the album by fierce drive of frantic rabies.