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Extending our path with a boundless battle

December 15, 2021
Helheim (NOR, Bergen), 2021 -  WoduridaR

The intro enthralls with musical intrigue, but the narrative calls for a frenetic rampage of combats and battles, then retreating and combining in a concerted dance of the Vilje av stal song, beginning the Helheim (NOR, Bergen) - WoduridaR album with the unity of blizzards of northern tales and artistic variability of musical discoveries, continuing with an acoustic introduction of the Forrang for fiende composition, raising the banners of a solemn procession of long heroes, crowned by dreamy tunes of the clean vocals.
The WoduridaR title track brings the vocals to the forefront of the musical image, complementing the sound of the battle saga of the vocal story with the furious drive of the musical variations of the instrumental bridges. After the acoustic introduction, unsung by the guitars of wandering bards, wrapped in swirls of mystical winds, the Andsfilosofen song builds on these motifs the procession of the main motif, alternating screaming and clean vocals in the vocal part, taking the listener into the expanse of mystical wanderings.
A celebration with shades of doubt and frustration is what the sound of the Ni s solu sot track embodies, prefacing the vocal reflections with musical insistence. After a vivid introduction, the Litil vis madr song takes you on a vivid and comprehensive unity of music and vocals into wanderings and adventures into unimaginable distances and illusory expanses.
With a stubborn, insistent and irresistible march of battle march, the Tankesmed track rolls up waves of musical militancy, enveloping the listener in the covers of the Nordic sagas, anticipating the Det kommer i bolger album's longest musical artwork, acting as a preface to its final Hazard (Richard Marx cover) track, progressively fracturing the musical structure in addition to the vocal emotionality.