The gloomy guitar solo creates the mood of the development of the Obsesion main motive, then combining the alternation of sharp and severe recitative and dreamy calls of clean vocals into the sound of 1 composition. But then the Caer Al Vacio continues the Porkavida - Todo Por Hacer album with an even more contrasting alternation of vocal invocations in a mid-tempo composition in an atmosphere of twilight romance. Accentuating rhythm, the Cuestion De Fe crowns the musical drive with vocal anger.
Rolling out the musical canvas of the main motive, the Jugar Al Humano walks along it with vocal reflections. Unrolling the musical canvas, the Necesidad dances with a playful trawl to his passages with rebellious vocal appeals. Dancing music is combined with the El Juego Parecia Facil vocals variations in a mysterious dance. Musical intrigue unwinds in a mid-tempo anthem, but then the title's track Todo Por Hacer vocals charisma comes to the fore in a nervous jerk, then pacified in a significant case.
Vocals and music are combined in the Ira dance with echoes of folk motifs, as if combined in capoeira training. Continuing some echoes of the previous style, the Nada Que Objetar supplements them with twilight reflections and a progressive fracture of rhythm and vocal recitative. The Atrapados sparkling musical extravaganza of the intro finishes with a guitar chime, vocal inspiration and restrained drive. The Una Respuesta Mas vivid and epic saga will cover the album with solemn meditations.