The gossiping essays of ancient legends with futuristic electronic impulses in a single music lace the Lock and Load creates the fascinating unity of fairy tales and industrial musical shades. The Volfram's Song begins with keyproof ripples, then continues the stylistic direction of the previous composition, alternating in the foreground of the storyter and musical enchantment. The Time continues the Tungsten - Tundra album with symphonic experiences of music and vocal, as if transferred to a distant future, in which the symphony fairy tales of the distant past are missing.
The medieval waves of the Divided Generations pulsing waves into the medieval atmosphere of epic sags into the medieval atmosphere, continuing to this musical essence with the King of Shadows union of the harsh vocal phrases and the charming musical echoes of the melodic lace of knightly fairy tales with background handles of invisible spirits. But the Tundra title composition returns the atmosphere of the industrial drive topped with folkphic heating.
The combination of musical severity of a dense march with unity of such a different ages in a musical picture of the Paranormal song is so mesmerizing! A bright and thoughtful musical narrative of the Life and the Ocean composition, perhaps, it turned out the most successful sound of this album, enchanting the soft tenderness of romantic ballads. Gunbursts, war, explosions and industrial musical motifs are removed the epic atmosphere on the I See Fury track's musical background. The This Is War returns tale mobs and heroic sags in an epic atmosphere on the forefront of the musical image. The Here Comes the Fall completes the album, perhaps with the most its multifaceted composition.