The Aurora track starts the Paul Di White - Way To The Dream album with a dense and pulsating rhythm, complemented by the buzzing of electronic pulses, sometimes crowning this union with sparkling rays of exciting adventures. Densifying and hardening the rhythmic component of musical sound, the Contact rolls over with persistent waves of stubborn obsession. The Iren continues the persistence of rhythmic pulsations, setting an intriguing atmosphere for the further development of musical sound.
Weaving a round dance of musical motifs around the rhythmic beats the Morning Sunrise draws you into a driving dance. At the end of day, Night Drive carries you away into a rampant dance, alternating between minimalistic rhythmic pulsations with the charm of melody. The Old Time continues the inspirational spread of the freedom-loving thirst for adventure, complementing the musical attitude with artistic keyboard notes.
Captivating and enchanting with musical variations Perfect Day complements the mystery of musical transformations. Enveloping the mysterious intrigue of musical variations Runway creates an obscure atmosphere of unpredictable temptations. The title track Way To The Dream completes the album by developing the musical narrative of the previous compositions.