A long, intriguing intro creates an atmosphere of mysteriousness, the impudent wave of expectations of further development in anticipation of the creation of the true appeal of the musical image of the Mona Lisa song. ut then guitar riffs complement the keyboard sacraments and create in full format the sound of the first The Lucid Dream (GBR) - The Lucid Dream (EP) album's composition, fascinating the mystery and intriguing development of musical ideas. Rhythmically and significantly pulsating with the essays of the Wild West, the Cold Killer song is less shorter to form a musical image, enveloping guitar riffs with pulsing mysteriousness of keyboards of instrumental fragments and muted vocal reflections.
The The Darkest Day / Head Musik intro's percussion chime in the supplement with guitar conceivability returns to the intriguing mystery of the entry, fascinating in the sphere of dreamy expectations. The Moonstruck song in the musical sound subordinates the musical passage explosion of vocal impatience. But this track completes the artistic keyboard solo, anticipating the extension of cosmic flows in the entry of the Unchained Dub instrumental suite, complementing and continuing with these motives with artistic musical variations. The Unchained song's sound complements the instrumental artistry by vocal phrases, continuing and developing motifs embedded in the previous tracks and complement the vocal reflections with sparkling keyboards.
Pumping anxiety and vague premonition of introduction, the Morning Breeze composition after a long preparation and calms sound with the You & I last album's song completes its musical story with a romantic notes of so pensive blues.