After the explosion of the intro drive, The Mind composition begins the Worwyk - Malignant album with an exciting unity of music and vocals in a single musical stream. Rhythmic heartbeat of the main motive with blues notes is crowned with harsh vocal thoughtfulness, weaving the musical lace of the Prosperity song, continuing the musical narrative in the sound of the bewitching romance of the As You Die ballad.
The musical passages create an intriguing introduction that develops the Greed dark anthem into a bewitching procession, wrapping the vocals phrases in veils of dark musical mystery. The vocal part of the Relapse composition hardens to the severity of a gloomy harshness in the verse, raising the banners of melodic emotionality at the beginning of the chorus. The symphonic opening motifs anticipate the development of musical artistry and variety in the Malignant title track, varying in sound from a twilight ballad to a fast-paced drive of an indomitable musical thriller.
The intro guitar riffs roll out the essence of the Selling Sickness main motive, further spinning the flywheel of twisting and captivating musical passages in the breathtaking sound of the Consequences song, complementing the guitars drive and vocal emotions with background keyboard pulsations. Rolling the waves of the main motive from the introduction, the End Of Days composition then crowns their crests with vocals phrases. The Circle Of Trust wistful ballad concludes the album with his longest running musical creation.