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Doubts and reflections are plunged into despondency

July 25, 2022
Afterburner (RUS) - Rootless

The twilight musical mystery of the introduction of the Land of Anxiety song, complemented by romantic guitars passages, creates intriguing expectations for the further development of the musical passages of the Afterburner (RUS) - Rootless album, then persistently and persistently marching with a rhythmic musical step crowned with vocals phrases.
Driving the rhythmic step of the main motif, the tough and significant Addiction mid-tempo march persistently and confidently drives the steps of his step into the chosen path, sometimes fierce music and vocals to indescribable severity, but then taming this rage with unhurried reflections and an artistic musical mystery.
The music and woking of the Path of Exile composition harden and condense the sound in a joint procession, but the vocals and music sometimes bring enchanting notes and musical surprises to the sound. The Serpent twilight tale envelops in an atmosphere of unexpected discoveries and mysterious musical omens, which the vocal story denotes and explains.
The mysterious musical introduction intrigues with conjectures about the further musical development of the Among the Weak composition, which rises from oblivion with twilight ghostly passages of a dark anthem, varying growling and clean vocals in the emotional essence of the vocal part. The I Am Nothing musical story will be marked by a prediction of the possible disasters and consequences of the coming war, which may be the last event for humanity, further embodying these omens in the hasty gloom of musical narration. The Rootless album's title track concludes its musical novel with the longest-running musical artwork.