Painfully and thoughtfully, beginning Where The Wolves Come To Die develops a musical bliss, anticipating the Sylosis - Dormant Heart album with a thoughtful ballad.Where The Wolves Come To Die Dense and powerful energy Victims And Pawns sorts through the average tempo and sweeping passages, choosing the most powerful moments - completing the composition with a majestic passage.
Charmingly and thoughtfully the Dormant Heart main motive (we can say - the album creeps into the sound, dispelling doubts and meditations.
The viscous To Build A Bomb introduction develops into an epic saga, majestically and diversely recreating the multiple music of the water picture.
Power, energy Overthrown drive first throws a rapid impulse, then rolls in Leech conscious hymn, combining it with a beige drive.
The charming Leech main motive returns again and again.
Epic and thoughtfully developing, Servitude brings vocals to inubes hypostasis, accentuating the development of the composition of the vocal part, the finish jerk sweeps away all doubt.
Enchanting and majestic starting out, accompanying with pensive minstrel tunes Indoctrinated and Harm then proceed with a violent drive.
Mercy combines in its sounding furious power, splashing out in a verse unrestrained anger - but romantically thinking about the chorus.
So mysterious fog develops in an exciting stream of musical fantasies, evolving in the frenetic haze of imaginary speculation.
A charming, calm and discreet Quiescent ballad completes the album.
But the completion is postponed - the album has a bonus part starting with thoughtful ballad Pillars Erode (Bonus Track) and culminating in a dense and powerful thriller Zero (Bonus Track).