Beginning with the Good Morning instrumental extravaganza of unimoferous improvisation, the then complements the sound of the Covet - Technicolor album with obscure echoes of the Parachute female vocals.
Blues and lounge intertwine in the Predawn (Feat. Phillip Jamieson) mesmerizing dance of romantic slowness, bringings in some echoes of mystery that carry away the incredibly progressive dance of the Nero instrumental improvisation. But the Pirouette mysterious reverie seems to combine the lounge with progressive variations. The Ares continues and develops the musical motives laid down in the previous compositions, bringing in the spirit of cosmic inspiration.
Bringing jazz improvisation to the fore, the Parrot enchants with the grandeur of musical artistry. The Odessa continues this style with echoes of cosmic romanticism. Completing album brings the Farewell vocals narration to the fore with artistic pulsations.