Intro is kaleidoscope of radio stations, the listener selects music, gives the appropriate mood for listening to the Ars Onirica - I: Cold album.
Waves of musical thoughtfulness fill in vague doubts, enveloping vocal reflections in the verses with epic covers of fairy tales, raising the banner of inspiration and mesmerizing melody in the In Between chorus. The instrumental part shares this combination with an atmosphere of romantic uncertainty, developing melodic outlines embedded in the chorus.
Stubborn vocal phrases is riding on the persistent throbbing waves of the La Nave march, then in the bridge the vocal replaces the furious scream growling with thoughtful reflections of clean vocals and in the chorus the bewitching lace of melody brings its valiant charm to the forefront in the solemn anthem. The acoustic chime of guitar strings is preceding an explosion of a fast drive chasing the charming guitars solo that ends this song.
The thoughtful passages of the guitar solo create an atmosphere of intriguing alarm in the In Gloom intro, then the vocal part reaches the front edge of the musical narrative, shrouded in vortices of the melodic charm of musical trends of the main motive. Vague snowstorms and distant winds create the backdrop for a pensive guitar solo of the Cold... (Return To Nowhere) title track (the title of which only partially shows the title of the album). Then the Dust composition bases its sound on a melody that can be perceived as the leitmotif of the album. The Loss concludes the album with a leisurely procession of a bewitching symphony, which buries the musical trends of the album in the gloomy shroud of majestic solemnity.