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Clan memory is kept in the blood of descendants

February 08, 2021
Ulvegr - Isblod

A harsh and tough guitar solo twists the beginning of the Ulvegr - Isblod album's path, weaving a harsh and impenetrable tunnel for the frantic drive of the Jotuntre composition. Then the frenzy of the musical thriller is continued by the next song, Dodt Morke, that sounds as if intercepting the line for a deadly dance in the unbridled fury of warlike drive. The frantic drum roll adds an even harder sound to the music.
Keeping the hurricane fury of the drum roll, the Vargold weaves the gloomy veils of the guitar solo, wrapping the vocal phrases in the obscure twilight of mystical mystery. But then, in order to emphasize the importance of the vocal narration, he slows down the tempo to the brink of a mid-tempo procession. The Isblod album's title track slowly and unhurriedly rolls out the musical canvas of its path, preparing the listener for meaningful and impressive variations of the epic saga. In the final fragment, vocal fury and musical fury are intertwined in a round dance of deadly dance, entwined in whirlwinds of unrestrained drive.
The Dunkelstorm vocals scream summons a demonic whirlwind of indescribable musical rage, entwining vocal phrases with bright whirlwinds of impetuous musical passages. The Askevind leaves a mysterious ambiguity in the sound of the album, as if covering its finale with time and space.