The mystical mystery of the Intro track creates an atmosphere of opening the gates of the Khnuth - За Порогом Видений album, then surging up in a dark whirlwind of impetuous drive, somewhat pacifying the Пыль / Dust musical unrestrainedness with the introduction of demonic vocal screaming. But in the instrumental fragments, the music is racing again at a frantic speed. But the musical frenzy sweeps away any obstacles from its path, giving the sound of the Искатель / Seeker composition the style of a furious musical thriller, crowned with the melodic charm of a guitar solo.
After the drumbeat, the music proceeds in the leisurely significance of a mid-tempo procession, entwined with artistic coverings of an exciting guitar solo, leaving a very pleasant impression on the За Гранью / After A Verge instrumental track. Mesmerizing with a guitar solo of the intro, the Миг Рождения И Смерти / Momentthen artistically and excitingly vary the fragments with different stylistics, complementing them with vocal phrases, but retaining devotion to the leitmotif inherent in the intro. After the melodic charm of the intro, the Снег / Snow takes you into the whirlwind of an unrestrained blizzard, pumping waves of musical twilight.
The mid-tempo sound of musical melodism creates the atmosphere of a meaningful procession of the Боль / Pain dark anthem. But the Осознание Убожествa / Awarenes rises with a frantic impetuosity after the reflections of the previous track, whirling in the frenzied fury of a deadly dance. But with the introduction of vocals, the music again returns to a pulsating march. The Outro, according to the title, puts the last point in the album, enveloping the listener with echoes of bell ringing and distant thunder.