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Oleg Yanchenko

Oleg Yanchenko
Great Works For Organ Plays Grodberg & Yanchenko
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Great Works For Organ Plays Grodberg & Yanchenko

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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
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1 Concerto For Organ G Dur N 1, Bwv 592 stereo 8.37 Mb 320 03:39 0.17€
1 Prelude Chorale "Aus Der Tiefe Rufe Ich", Bwv 745 stereo 12.14 Mb 320 05:18 0.19€
2 Concerto For Organ G Dur N 1, Bwv 592 stereo 8.81 Mb 320 03:50 0.17€
2 Fuegtta Super "Allien Gott In Der Hof'sei Ehr", Bwv 677 stereo 2.64 Mb 320 01:09 0.14€
3 Concerto For Organ G Dur N 1, Bwv 592 stereo 4.56 Mb 320 01:59 0.15€
3 Prelude Chorale "Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen", Bwv 727 stereo 5.97 Mb 320 02:36 0.16€
4 Concerto For Organ A Moll N 2, Bwv 593 stereo 10.15 Mb 320 04:26 0.18€
4 Prelude Chorale "Wer Nur Den Lineben", Bwv 642 stereo 4.3 Mb 320 01:52 0.15€
5 Concerto For Organ A Moll N 2, Bwv 593 stereo 10.65 Mb 320 04:39 0.18€
5 Prelude Chorale "Kyrie, Got Vater In Ewigkeit", Bwv 672 stereo 4.15 Mb 320 01:48 0.15€
6 Concerto For Organ A Moll N 2, Bwv 593 stereo 9.52 Mb 320 04:09 0.18€
6 Prelude Chorale "Liebster Jesu, Wir Sind Hier", Bwv 633 stereo 3.73 Mb 320 01:37 0.15€
7 Concerto For Organ C Dur N 3, Bwv 594 stereo 18.22 Mb 320 07:57 0.22€
7 Prelude Chorale "Nun Komm' Der Heiden Heiland", Bwv 659 stereo 11.37 Mb 320 04:58 0.19€
8 Concerto For Organ C Dur N 3, Bwv 594 stereo 9.42 Mb 320 04:06 0.18€
8 Prelude Chorale "Wir Glauben All'an Einen Gott, Vater", Bwv 740 stereo 10.35 Mb 320 04:31 0.18€
9 Concerto For Organ C Dur N 3, Bwv 594 stereo 21.7 Mb 320 09:28 0.24€
9 Prelude Chorale "Wir Glauben All'an Einen Gott, Schopfer", Bwv 680 stereo 7.41 Mb 320 03:14 0.17€
10 Prelude Chorale "Dies Sind Die Heil'gen Sehn Gebot", Bwv 678 stereo 10.28 Mb 320 04:29 0.18€
11 Prelude Chorale "Aus Tiefer Not Schrei' Ish Zu Dir", Bwv 686 stereo 17.82 Mb 320 07:47 0.22€
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